Discuss who you believe holds the  most blame for the happenings in Salem.Be sure to include strong arguments. This is due on October 6 at midnight.
9/25/2013 10:39:40 am

I think Abbigail Williams, because she is the most evil person on the play. I am not saying about her religion.She is lyeing to the court saying that Elizabeth stabbed her in the belly. She also had affairs with one married man (Jonh Proctor). She is doing everything wrong. I really think that so far she is being the worse person on the play.

10/2/2013 02:10:23 am

I agree that Abby is a major part of who to blame. I also think that Elizabeth and John had big parts too. If Abby would not of had an affair with John it probably would not of been such a big problem. Once Elizabeth knew about it Abby and her hated each other. They started spreading rumors about each other.

10/3/2013 02:07:01 am

Yeah I agree that Abby is a big part of this. She wanted John back but could'nt have him which really set her off. Elizabeth and her hated each other with a passion. Abby tried blaming Elizabeth of being a witch which is crazy. I also think John is a big part too. If he never would of slept with Abby he would'nt have to deal with her crazy self.

10/4/2013 01:59:42 am

I agree with you. Abby was very malicious and sodistic during the whole witch trial thing. She was even seen laughing and smiling during some of the hangings. Abby lied and got multiple people killed and is pretty much the root of the whole problem.

10/4/2013 01:59:43 am

Even though Abby may be the most evil person, I don't think she holds most of the blame. I think she feels bad that John had to die, but I also think that it had to be done. I feel that John holds the most blame in the play because ultimately, the girl responsible for more of the hangings is the girl John had sex with at the beginning and now that girl (Abby) is looking for vengeance.

10/4/2013 08:50:14 am

I agree with your post also Abigail holds a part of the blame. She destroyed the relationship between Elizabeth and John.
She was the reason why people had to die.

10/5/2013 04:39:16 am

The affair was not entirely Abby's fault John had an equal part in that situation. But I also agree that Abby by far has caused most of the trouble.

9/26/2013 02:04:06 am

I believe that Abigail holds the most fault in this situation. Also John Proctor and Elizabeth hold some part in it too. Due to Abigail's actions stir up everything. Elizabeth, because she tried to make Abigail look like she was practicing witchcraft. John, because he is hiding a secret from his wife and everyone else. Abigail is also the reason that John and Elizabeth were fighting.

9/30/2013 02:00:23 am

I agree to an extent with your argument.I put some of the blame on John because he went along with the affair involving Abigail. Abigail was the main reason behind everything that has happened in Salem. My only argument is that I put more blame on Abby, rather than Abby, John, and Elizabeth. Abby always picked fights and started trouble with everyone in the village.

10/1/2013 01:58:02 am

I disagree. I feel as if John hadn't of made his decisions and acted out of lust in that moment in time, everything would have been different. I don't necessarily feel as if Abby is the soul reason for why John and Elizabeth are fighting. I feel as if they are fighting because of what John did with Abby. After all, John cheated on his wife for a girl drastically younger than him. Elizabeth doesn't know how to forgive John. I feel as if John holds the most blame.

9/26/2013 02:06:46 am

Abby should hold the blame for the happenings in Salem. Abby was trying to be John Proctors new wife and caused nothing but trouble trying to do so. She is the reason there is a big argument between her and Elizabeth involving John. Abby then tried to kill Elizabeth with a curse because she thought if Elizabeth was gone, John would want to get with Abby. Therefore, Abby is the main reason for the happenings in Salem.

9/29/2013 02:08:11 pm

John is the reasoning it all started, it takes two. He could've never had an affair with Abigail but he chose to anyways. She was hurt and wanted to be with him wouldn't you if it was you in the situation? John is causing all the hurt on everyone around him because of the actions he chose.

10/6/2013 12:23:04 pm

I agree to disagree! Yes, John had an affair with Abigail but she accused so many innocent people for no reason. Elizabeth was not the only one. I still think Abigail holds the most blame because she took her actions way too far!

10/3/2013 02:03:23 am

I believe that Abby should hold the most blame for the happenings in Salem. However, it didn't start out because of her. Abby carried out the lies, though. She was able to manipulate the courts into believing all these innocent people were witches. Many people were killed because of Abby's ignorant actions due to the fact that she wanted to be with John Proctor.

10/4/2013 02:08:18 am

I agree with you. Abby is the cause of the majority of the deaths during the witch trials. She lied to the court and to everyone else because she thought that John and her would be together. But, end the end karma came and her plan to be with John failed her and she had to run away

9/27/2013 01:59:42 am

I feel as if it is John that holds the most blame inside of his heart. He is now feeling strong guilt that he hasn't felt before for what he has done. If he had not slept with Abby, all of this may not have happened. He has confessed to his wrong doings and the court still doesn't take his word which makes him feel worse. Not only does the court practically smack him in the face, his wife is still trying to find forgiveness within herself for John. She even asks John how can she forgive him if John hasn't even forgave his own self. John put his wife's life on the line, along with his. I feel he holds most of the blame and guilt.

10/4/2013 01:53:38 am

Somewhat of that is true. I agree and believe that John does hold some of the blame in this story. Although, I think that Abigail hold some of the fault in this situation as well. Abigail i think holds more on the other hand. She gets Mary in trouble by saying she possessed by devil. Which is not true in this story. Abigail tries eveything she can to get John by her side again which never happens.

10/4/2013 01:54:13 am

I totally agree with you. I think he does feel the most guilt for what he has done. I mean If he did not have an affair with Abby this all might not of happened. We don't know that for sure so I feel like John is not the only one to blame. After the fact, if Abby would not of tried to get Elizabeth caught of doing witchcraft nothing would of happened. From there it just got worse and more people died for no reason.

10/4/2013 08:45:19 am

I totally agree with your post. If John hadn't cheat on his wife then nothing had to happen. Nobody had to die.

10/5/2013 12:10:43 pm

I agree with PrestonW that John is the one to blame. He is an older man and knows what is wright and what is wrong. He also lead a young girl to believe that they were in love and that caused many problems.

10/6/2013 12:30:15 pm

I completely respect your opinion, and I understand where you're coming from. I do believe John had some of the blame, but I still think Abigail has most of the blame for the witch trials. Abigail was going to do anything to get what she wanted. I totally agree with you about John putting his wife's life in danger. He was also being a horrible person. I think that he did hold some blame, but most definitely not all of it. He's a guilty person.

9/28/2013 12:01:53 am

I believe it is not just one person that should be blamed the most for witchcraft. John, Abby, and Elizabeth all are main parts of it. If Abby would not of had an affair with John it probably would not of gone so badly. This is when everyone started blaming everyone else so they would not of got in trouble. Abby was blaming Elizabeth for witchcraft. Then Elizabeth blamed Abby and everything went terrible from there. Elizabeth then did not trust or accept John's apology. Which led to John getting hung.

10/4/2013 02:04:39 am

I completely agree with your opinion! I also feel that there are more than one source to Salem's problems. Also, I feel that John and Abigail are mainly to blame. I feel that both John and Abigail knew that their affair was wrong and continued it anyway. However, I failed to consider that Elizabeth was also a cause of this dilemma. I now see that if Elizabeth had loved herself more maybe John would also love her more. Finally, I feel now that Elizabeth is also at fault because she did such actions as keeping a cold house which may have upset John.

9/29/2013 02:02:50 pm

I feel John is the one to blame for everything happening. He had an affair with Abigail, which made it clear he wasn't interested with Elizabeth at the time or he wouldn't of done it. The only reason Abigail is acting the way she is, is because she is hurt. Yes it was wrong she had an affair with a married man but she fell for John and he used her for his needs. What was she supposed to think he made her believe that he loved her which wasn't true. Abigail was going to do everything in her power to get Johns attention even if that meant stabbing herself with a needle. She isn't the crazy one she's hurt. It's all because of John and what he did that led him to his death. It takes two it wasn't all Abigail.

10/4/2013 01:59:10 am

I respect your opinion, but feel somewhat different about who is to blame. I feel that John is somewhat at fault for the trials because he is who had the affair. Also, John should have known Abigail better so he would know how angry and jealous she would become. Although I agree that John is in the wrong I also place some blame on Abigail. I blame Abigail because she as well as John was old enough to know that affairs are wrong. Also, I believe Abby should have known that John at any time could have turned back to Elizabeth. Finally, I feel Abby just blamed others to take the blame of herself.

10/1/2013 02:02:47 am

For the hangings that occurred due to the Salem Witch Trials, I spread the blame between two people. First, I bame Reverend Paris. He placed the fear and the hate in everyone's heart and then fueled the fire of the trials but adding his input. In the play, he was the source of religion for the town and had he been a good pastor, I believe he would have helped the 'witches' the denied being a witch to God rather than see them hung. I also blame Judge Hawthorne for the deaths that occurred during the trials. A good judge would have had the facts, not just decided to find people guilty to help himself. He put innocent people to death just to raise his ratings. Although Abby started the whole mess, teenagers spread rumors all the time. I blame the adults that helped this madness carry on.

10/2/2013 09:49:05 am

Now that I think about your answer, I do believe I agree with you. Abby is only 17 and doesn't know what's right and wrong at the moment because she just had her first major heartbreak.
Parris just wanted to be like Hawthorne. So I think Hawthorne is a major reason Parris was so annoying at the end of play.
I think Hawthorne started to believe John after he had confessed to Adultery but didn't know what to do because he had already hung other people. So he carried on with his wrong doings. I know Hawthorne was big about letting people know who he was, but I think somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew the truth and was ready to end all the drama. In my opinion, that's why he gave Goody Proctor the chance to say if her husband had cheated.

10/6/2013 07:54:43 am

If it is so that Abby doesn't know whats right or wrong. Then how do we.

10/2/2013 09:36:25 am

I believe that John is to blame. John is an older man and knows more about the world than Abby does. Abby is just a young girl whose heart was broken by him. Abby did go way over board with her sadness and jealousy, but I believe most of the blame is brought back to John. If he would have not slept with her in the first place, Abby wouldn't have gone crazy and pretended she saw spirits. Also, she wouldn't of wanted Goody Proctor to die as much as she does now.

10/3/2013 01:56:10 am

I have a strong argument to your explanation. Just because Abby is young, doesn't mean she doesn't know what she is doing. Abby was the reason for all of the problems that happened in Salem because of her attitude and over dramatic behavior. I agree that John knows more about the world than Abby does, but she still knows exactly what she is doing. She was just taking advantage of an opportunity that was handed to her.

10/3/2013 02:10:13 am

I agree with you on the part that John should'nt of slept with her. He is not the only one to blame though. Abby is 17, thats old enough to know better. I know he broke her heart and it just killed her. She reacted way to over board to this whole thing. Abby is a huge part to blame in all this too.

10/5/2013 03:30:38 am

I agree with you exactly! I feel John was the one who caused it all. If he would of never had an affair with Abigail she wouldn't of got her heartbroken, she got used by John and that made her upset and angry. She wanted to do everything she could to be with him. Like you said it is all brought back to John Proctor. I am glad someone sees it the way I do.

10/3/2013 02:02:32 am

In my opinion I think that Abby is the main reason all of this happened. I get it that she loved John and everything but she just blew everything out of proportion. She accused all of these innocent people of being witches and getting them all killed. Abby manipulated the whole town into believing that herself along with all the other girls were possessed by the devil. I just think that the people back then were really stupid and never just bothered to use common sense to see if people were guilty or innocent. Especially the judges and high class people that determined it. There minds were so focused on this witchcraft they could'nt just see what was really going on. I believe Abby is the main reason for all of this and the people that actually believed this are really something else.

10/5/2013 07:27:25 am

I agree with your opinion. While Abigail wasn't the only person to blame, especially since the people back then were stupid, Abigail was definitely one of the main instigators in the trials. She was able to take advantage of the situation to try to kill Elizabeth and get John. She gets neither, but she does end up killing hundreds of innocent people.

10/5/2013 12:06:02 pm

I strongly disagree with RileyM because if john wouldn't have lead her on then she wouldn't have done what she had done. He should have just stayed faithful and none of the would have never happened. John is the one to blame not Abby

10/6/2013 10:17:39 am

I understand Abigail is one of the main reasons everything happened, but now that you mention other people back then having no common sense, kinda makes me think a little more on this. I'm starting to blame everyone for everything that happened. No one besides John knew what common sense was, and when they did... people have already been hung. So, I believe everyone equally holds blame.

10/6/2013 12:39:49 pm

I totally agree with you on this. Abigail went completely crazy because she wanted John. She thought that if Elizabeth was gone then John would want her to be his wife. Which I think was completely wrong. Abigail did was being completely stupid and only thought about herself. She was a crazy woman. I agree with your opinion and couldn't have said it better myself.

10/3/2013 02:05:11 am

I believe Abby holds the most blame in the Salem. She and others were caught in the woods dancing naked and to save themselves from punishment they started saying they were under attack from the devil. Abby was the most vicious in her accusations and took hers the farthest saying she was stabbed in the stomach by Elizabeth Proctor. She was willing to cause bodily harm to herself to keep safe. Once Abby started in on her accusations all the other girls joined in and caused dozens of innocent people to hang. Everything points back to Abby, had she never accused Tituba the other girls would have never started naming people themeselves.

10/5/2013 07:32:02 am

I agree with you. While the blame shouldn't be placed entirely on Abigail, just about everything that happened in the trials can be traced back to her.

10/3/2013 02:08:34 am

I believe that Abigail Williams holds the most blame for the happenings in Salem. Abigail and a few other were seen in the woods dancing and doing some other things. Abigail herself didn't start the Salem Witch Trials necessarily. However, Abigail carried out so many lies that the court was believing. The judges looked to Abigail for information about who were witches. The judges and many other people in Salem were so manipulated by Abigail and her ignorant actions. In the end, Abigail holds the most blame for the Salem Witch Trials.

10/6/2013 03:08:41 am

I agree with you on this one. She was so worried about getting John to herself that she believed lying was the only way to get him. She had lied so much that the court actually started to believe her. She was the one who caused the deaths of many innocent people, and is definitely the one who holds the most blame.

10/3/2013 10:11:03 pm

I believe that both Abigail Williams and John Proctor both hold the most blame for the Salem Witch Trials. I believe Abigail is to blame because not only did she have a relationship with a married man, but she uses it to wrongly accuse others. I also feel that she is to blame because she lied to avoid her own punishment. I also feel that John Proctor is to blame because he cheated on his wife. I believe John's affair causes the witch trials because it stirs an anger in Abby. John is also to blame because he held a grudge against himself for the affair which restricted Elizabeth from also forgiving him. I believe both John and Abby were old enough to know that their relationship was wrong and would negatively effect Salem.

10/4/2013 02:10:37 am

I think that Abby Williams deserve the most blame in this story. John Proctor also does too because of his ignorance and selfishness he showed to Elizabeth. Abby couldn't get over the fact that John didn't have feelings for her anymore and that Elizabeth was still his wife. This gave Abby motivation to rid of Elizabeth so that she could have John to herself. Now John I think had selfishness in his heart towards Elizabeth. He hides the truth from Elizabeth to save his name. These secrets that he keeps just hurt him in the long run and eventually leads to his death. Abby Williams and John Proctor affairs I think gave Salem this bad reputation.

10/4/2013 08:37:28 am

I feel the most blame holds Abigail Williams because she was the one who was lying all the time and she also manipulated the girls. As a result a large quantity of people were murdered.
But also John holds a part of the blame because he cheated on his wife with Abigail.

10/5/2013 01:52:54 pm

This makes sense very much. Not only was it Abigail's fault, but John had put in his effort as well. Of course Abby sort of went off the rails trying to have John for herself, if he wouldn't of ever touched her or led her on, he'd have no reason to be in such a mess. Elisabeth is very faithful to him and the fact that he wasn't as faithful to her is wrong, because she was such a great woman.

10/5/2013 05:08:23 am

I believe its the people of Salems fault that they let this issue go this far. The authority in Salem would have had no power if the citizens wouldnt have backed them.

10/5/2013 07:15:17 am

It is hard to place the blame for the Salem Witch Trials on one person. I can blame John Proctor for sleeping with Abigail even though he is married to Elizabeth. I can also blame the local girls for dancing in the woods and getting caught, which lead to Betty and the other girls crying witch to avoid getting in trouble. The judges deserve a decent portion of the blame because they listened to the accusations and hung the accused without evidence, but when they were presented with evidence that favored the accused they either claimed it to be an attack on the court, completely ignored it, or arrested the people who provided the evidence along with the people who backed it. I can blame the people who benefited from the trials, like Thomas Putnam and Reverend Paris, as well as the foolish townspeople for letting the trial happen. Finally, I blame Abigail Williams, for using the mass hysteria in Salem to manipulate the entire town so that she could eventually kill Elizabeth Proctor and claim John Proctor. In conclusion, the blame for the Salem Witch Trials cannot be placed, solely, on one individual since there were several people involved.

10/5/2013 12:01:31 pm

I believe that John P. is to blame for the happenings of the Salem witch trials. If he wasn't apart of the story the whole outcome would be different. The reason I say this is because if he wasn't there then Abigail wouldn't have had the reason for acting the way she did. John was a married man and had an affair. What he did was wrong and very disrespectful to his wife. The only thing he did right was to come clean. he ended up paying the price. He got his wife involved with all of this and almost got her killed.

10/5/2013 01:58:21 pm

I think that you're exactly on point on where John Proctor stood. He did sin and have an affair with Abigail. This event rolled on to such more serious happenings. I'd say that Abby blew it a little too out of proportion. If something like this happened in modern times, it wouldn't cost many people's lives. But because it happened in the 1700's, it turned out to be very serious. I think they both added flames to the fire. If they just acted mature, they wouldn't be in such a mess.

10/5/2013 01:49:12 pm

There are endless reasons on why the witch happenings occured in Salem. We will never get a genuine explanation, because everyone has there own opinions. So many things were happening at once that you couldn't exactly pick a legit reason for the uprising. Although, there were many events that made the situation more dense. For example, I believe that Abigail Williams and John Proctors affair had a domino effect on what happened. In the end, it ended up hurting John more than Abby. If he would've just been faithful to his wife, he'd of possibly been able to live. Abigail as a character was a major cause for the innocents being hanged. She accused Elisabeth out of pure jealousy, which is absurd. I think that if something like this happened today, no one would get away with it like they did hundreds of years ago. I think that even though our nation makes plenty of mistakes, we are filled with more knowledge than our species were back in the 1700's. We'd be able to find out scientific reasons on why people were acting a certain way. I also think that their lack of intelligence led to many people's deaths.

10/6/2013 02:58:41 am

I totally agree with you on this one. I agree that there was a lot of things going on at the time. I also agree that Abby was the main reason for innocent people being hanged. She honestly really did blow this whole thing way out of proportion.

10/6/2013 07:11:24 am

I agree with you. There are several person to blame for what happened. And I feel like most of the people in this play have done something to be blamed. Anyway Abigail, for sure, holds the most blame!

10/6/2013 02:49:55 am

I strongly believe Abigail Williams is the one who should get blamed for all the craziness. Even though John Proctor was a part of this to, Abby is the one who made this situation get way out of hand. She wanted Tituba to make a potion to get rid of Elizabeth Proctor just so she could have John all to her self. Abby even lied to get innocent people killed. She also went to court and lied to them so they would believe she was innocent. Abby is the main reason Elizabeth and John drifted apart. Abigail Williams is the one who holds the most blame for this huge mess!

10/6/2013 07:03:15 am

I think Abigail William holds the most blame for what happened in Salem. She started the witch hunt, accusing innocent people just to save herself. Her lies killed people and created panic in Salem. But I feel like not all the foult for what happened is Abigail's. Because if judge Danforth and Hathorne would care more about the law and the truth then their status quo or the money. Saying the truth, that they were wrong and that witchcraft doesn't exist, they would save lifes. I think if they would admit it, it would completely change the situation. Abigail and the judges more than anyone else have to be blamed for the witch hunting in Salem!

10/6/2013 12:14:31 pm

In my opinion, I think Abigail Williams takes most of the blame for all the mishaps in Salem. Abigail overreacted just because she was mad and jealous. She went completely crazy because she wanted John Proctor. She didn't end up getting what she wanted so she went out of control just because she was jealous. She was willing to do anything to get John Proctor. She didn't care who was killed as long as she got what she wanted. She was being a very selfish person and never thought about anyone else except for herself.

10/6/2013 01:25:56 pm

Abby is to blame. Others had a small part in it, but Abby is the one who started it. She lied to save herself, and that led to many innocent deaths.


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